2009.09-2013.07,中国农业大学,农学学士 2013.09-2016.07,山东大学,工学硕士 2016.09-2017.06,山东大学环境科学与工程学院,研究助理 2017.09-2021.03,浙江大学,工学博士 2019.09-2020.10,新加坡南洋理工大学,公派联合培养博士 〖研究经历〗: 2021.04-至今,Bet365国内平台
,副研究员 〖学术及社会兼职〗: 江苏省能源研究会生物质转化技术与装备专委会会员,全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家,Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Separation and Purification Technology,Science of the Total Environment等国际学术期刊审稿人
本 科 生:环境工程材料,环境监测实验; 研 究 生:环境催化技术
(1)新型环境功能材料的研发及在污废水高效低碳处理与资源回收中的应用研究:针对新兴有机污染物以及重金属或非金属等离子形态污废水(氟、磷、砷、锑、铬等)的特点,基于表面工程构筑和调控等原理开发新型环境功能材料,运用高级氧化和吸附等工艺实现工业废水/污染水高效低碳处理、深度处理以及资源或能源回收; (2)基于类芬顿催化原理的新型耦合水处理技术的研发、改进和耦合机制研究:根据传统水处理工艺的特点和污废水处理需求,有效耦合吸附/高级氧化、膜过滤/高级氧化等技术,探究耦合和协同机制,提高选择性吸附和催化降解能力,包括过渡金属/碳基复合材料吸附耦合高级氧化和改性陶瓷膜原位催化臭氧化耦合技术等; (3)固体废物资源化处理:环太湖有机固废生物转化和生物质炭资源化处理及在水处理和土壤改良等方面的应用,污泥、淤泥及尾矿等固定化和资源化处理等;
目前在Chemical Engineering Journal,Journal of Cleaner Production,Science of the Total Environment,Separation and Purification Technology,Applied Catalysis B:Environmental,Journal of Hazardous Materials,化学进展,环境科学等知名环境类期刊上发表论文60余篇,其中以一作或通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,总引用次数超过1800,其中代表性论文主要有: [1] Xiaorui Wang, Yipu Zhang, Chaofan Song, Zhizhang Shen, Tonghui Wang, Kunlun Yang*, Hengfeng Miao*, Junyao Yang, Jiong Wang, Xinhua Xu. Novel insight into the competitive adsorption behaviors of As(V), Sb(V), and P(V) on {110} facets of Goethite: Existing form and coordination structure affinity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 479 (2024) 147677. [2] Kunlun Yang, Yanxiao Chi, Yuxuan Yang, Zimo Lou, Tonghui Wang, Dengyang Wang, Hengfeng Miao*, Xinhua Xu, Synergistic effect of novel pyrite/N-doped reduced graphene oxide composite with heterojunction structure for enhanced photo-assisted reduction of Cr(VI) in oxic water: Specific role of molecular oxygen, Science of the Total Environment, 907 (2024) 168123. [3] Kunlun Yang, Cheng Li, Xiaorui Wang, Zengshuai Zhang, Peng Gu, Hengfeng Miao, Xinhua Xu*, Structure and morphology control of amorphous Mn-doped Fe oxide composite using soft-templates for efficient Sb(V) removal in textile wastewater: Mechanism of solid-liquid interface regulation and Sb(V) adsorption, Chemical Engineering Journal, 454 (2023) 140255. [4] Yuxuan Yang, Yanxiao Chi, Kunlun Yang *, Zengshuai Zhang, Peng Gu, Xueli Ren, Xiaorui Wang, Hengfeng Miao, Xinhua Xu, Iron/nitrogen co-doped biochar derived from salvaged cyanobacterial for efficient peroxymonosulfate activation and ofloxacin degradation: Synergistic effect of Fe/N in non-radical path, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 652 (2023) 350–361. [5] Yifan Jia, Kunlun Yang *, Zengshuai Zhang, Peng Gu, Shiguang Liu, Manman Li, Xiaorui Wang, Yijang Yin, Zhaochang Zhang, Tao Wang, Hengfeng Miao*, Heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate by magnetic hybrid CuFe2O4@N-rGO for excellent sulfamethoxazole degradation: Interaction of CuFe2O4 with N-rGO and synergistic catalytic mechanism, Chemosphere, 313 (2023) 137392. [6] Manman Li, Kunlun Yang*, Xin Huang, Shiguang Liu, Yifan Jia, Peng Gu, Hengfeng Miao*, Efficient degradation of trimethoprim by catalytic ozonation coupled with Mn/FeOx-functionalized ceramic membrane: Synergic catalytic effect and enhanced anti-fouling performance, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 616 (2022) 440–452. [7] Kunlun Yang, Chuchen Zhou, Cheng Li, Shuo Dou, Xiaogang. Li, Xin Wang, Xinhua Xu*, Efficient removal of Sb(V) in textile wastewater through novel amorphous Si-doped Fe oxide composites: Phase composition, stability and adsorption mechanism, Chemical Engineering Journal, 407 (2021) 127217. [8] Kunlun Yang, Cheng Li, Xiaomin Wang, Yuanli Liu, Yizhou Li, Chuchen Zhou, Zheni Wang, Jiasheng Zhou, Zhen Cao, Xinhua Xu*, Functional adjustment and cyclic application of Fe–Mn bimetal composite for Sb(V) removal: Transformation of iron oxides forms and a stable regeneration method, Journal of Cleaner Production, 266 (2020) 122007. [9] Kunlun Yang, Jiasheng Zhou, Zimo Lou, Xiaoxin Zhou, Yuanli Liu, Yizhou Li, Shams Ali Baig, Xinhua Xu*, Applications and characteristics of Fe-Mn binary oxides for Sb(V) removal in textile wastewater: Selective adsorption and the fixed-bed column study, Chemosphere, 232 (2019) 254-263. [10] Kunlun Yang, Jiasheng Zhou, Zimo Lou, Xiaoxin Zhou, Yuanli Liu, Yizhou Li, Shams Ali Baig, Xinhua Xu*, Removal of Sb(V) from aqueous solutions using Fe-Mn binary oxides: The influence of iron oxides forms and the role of manganese oxides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 354 (2018) 577-588.
近3年主持或参与国家自然科学基金,江苏省科技计划重点项目,中央高校基本科研青年基金,无锡市生态环境局项目等多项,代表性项目如下: [1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,22206061,研究期限:2023-2025,主持; [2] 江苏省省科技计划专项资金(重点研发计划现代农业)项目,BE2023308,研究期限:2023-2027,技术负责; [3] 江苏省“双创博士”人才项目,1126010241230190,研究期限:2022-2023,主持; [4] 无锡市“太湖之光”科技攻关计划“揭榜挂帅”(“两泥”资源化领域)项目,WX0302B010505230012P,研究期限:2023-2026,技术负责; [5] 中央高校基本科研计划青年基金,JUSRP122022,研究期限:2022-2023,主持;
申请中国发明专利10余项,其中授权5项,代表性发明专利如下: 1. 一种利用太湖蓝藻制备的Fe-N@C催化剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1429018.4; 2. 一种以太湖蓝藻为原料的铁氧化物生物炭及其制备方法与在水处理中的应用,专利号:ZL 2022 1 1716939.9; 3. 高效除锑吸附剂的制备方法及其在印染废水处理中的应用,专利号:ZL201910271163.6;