学习经历: 2011.09-2015.07 安徽师范大学 环境科学与工程学院 学士 2015.09-2018.07 中国海洋大学 环境科学与工程学院 硕士 2018.09-2022.07 哈尔滨工业大学 环境学院 博士 研究经历: 2022.08-至今 Bet365国内平台
1. 高级氧化技术; 2. 难降解有机污染物的深度处理; 3. 理论化学计算。
近3年以第一作者发表SCI论文6篇: 1. Liu Banghai, Guo Wanqian, Jia Wenrui, Wang Huazhe, Zheng Shanshan, Si Qishi, Zhao Qi, Luo Haichao, Jiang Jin, Ren Nanqi. Novel nonradical oxidation of sulfonamide antibiotics with Co(II)-doped g‑C3N4‑activated peracetic acid: Role of high-valent cobalt−oxo species[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55 (18): 12640-12651. 2. Liu Banghai, Guo Wanqian, Jia Wenrui, Wang Huazhe, Zheng Shanshan, Si Qishi, Zhao Qi, Luo Haichao, Jiang Jin, Ren Nanqi. Insights into the oxidation of organic contaminants by Co(II) activated peracetic acid: the overlooked role of high-valent cobalt-oxo species[J]. Water Research, 2021, 201: 117313. 3. Liu Banghai, Guo Wanqian, Si Qishi, Jia Wenrui, Zheng Shanshan, Wang Huazhe, Zhao Qi, Luo Haichao, Jiang Jin, Ren Nanqi. Atomically dispersed cobalt on carbon nitride for peroxymonosulfate activation: switchable catalysis enabled by light irradiation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 446: 137277. 4. Liu Banghai, Guo Wanqian, Wang Huazhe, Si Qishi, Zhao Qi, Luo Haichao, Ren Nanqi. B-doped graphitic porous biochar with enhanced surface affinity and electron transfer for efficient peroxydisulfate activation[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396: 125119. 5. Liu Banghai, Guo Wanqian, Wang Huazhe, Zheng Shanshan, Si Qishi, Zhao Qi, Luo Haichao, Ren Nanqi. Peroxymonosulfate activation by cobalt(II) for degradation of organic contaminants via high-valent cobalt-oxo and radical species[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 416: 125679. 6. Liu Banghai, Guo Wanqian, Wang Huazhe, Si Qishi, Zhao Qi, Luo Haichao, Ren Nanqi. Activation of peroxymonosulfate by cobalt-impregnated biochar for atrazine degradation: The pivotal roles of persistent free radicals and ecotoxicity assessment[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 398: 122768.