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associate professor

Yang Guijun

Date: 2021-05-29 Source: Clicks:


Yang Guijun

Asso Prof.

Tel: 0510-85197893

Email:[email protected]


Address:1800 Lihu Road, Wuxi China 214122


May 2015 -May 2016 Visiting scholar in University of Tennessee

Sept. 2005-July 2008 D.S. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Science

July 2002-July 2005 M. S. Huazhong Agriculture University


July 2010 -present School of Environment and ecology, Jiangnan University; Associate professor of the university


In recent years, 67 academic papers have been published in core journals at home and abroad, including SCI 18 papers, including 12 SCI papers and 23 EI papers published as the first author and corresponding author.

1.Yang Guijun,Su Hua, Zhu Jinhua, Xu Lei, Wu Yunrui, Liu Guofeng, Hu Xiquan*.Effect of different mixing modes on the abundance of Microcystis in Lake Taihu under green light.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2023,30:10158–10164DOI://

2.Yang Guijun,Pan Wenwen,Rui Zheng,Zhong Chunni,Tang Xiangming, Yu Ruipeng,Hu Xiquan*. Nutrient combined hydrodynamic mixing facilitates Microcystis dominating phytoplankton communities: evidence from a microcosm experiment. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2022,34:2507-2514DOI://

3.Yang Guijun, Zhong Chunni*, Rui Zheng, Pan Wenwen and Liu Guofeng.Intermittent disturbance combined N and P adding favor colony size and abundance ofMicrocystis flos-aquae.Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim.2021, 57, 17.DOI://

4.Yang Guijun, Zhong Chunni*, Pan Wenwen, Rui Zheng, Tang Xiangming, Yu Ruipeng, Qiu Weijian, Guo Yun.Continuous hydrodynamic mixing weakens the dominance ofMicrocystis: evidences from microcosm and lab experiments.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2021, 10, 11.DOI://

5.Yang Guijun, Tang Xiangming, Wilhelm Steven W., Pan Wenwen, Rui Zheng, Xu Lei, Zhong Chunni, Hu Xiquan*. Intermittent disturbance benefits colony size, biomass and dominance of Microcystis in Lake Taihu under field simulation condition.Harmful Algae, 2020,99.DOI://

6.Yang Guijun, Qin Boqiang*, Tang Xiangming, Gong Zhijun, Zhong Chuni, Zou Hua,Wang Xiaodong.Contrasting zooplankton communities of two bays of the large, shallow, eutrophic Lake Taihu, China: Their relationship to environmental factors.Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2012,38(2):299-308(SCI)

7.Yang Guijun, Qin Boqing*, Tang Xiangming,Gong Zhijun, Zhong Chuniand Wang Xiaodong.Characterization of zooplankton communities in waters with different eutrophic states in a large, shallow, eutrophic freshwater lake (Lake Taihu, China).Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2012, 21(3):534-542(SCI)

8.Yang Guijun, Zhong Chunni, Pan Hongkai. Comparative studies on the seasonal variations of metazooplankton in waters with different eutrophic states in Lake Taihu.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009,150: 445-453(SCI)

9.Qin Boqiang*,Yang Guijun+, Ma Jianrong, Wu Tingfeng, Wei Li, Lizhen Liu, Jianming Deng, Jian Zhou.Spatiotemporal Changes ofCyanobacterial Bloom in LargeShallow Eutrophic Lake Taihu, China.Frontiers in Microbiology,2018, 9: 451DOI:// (SCI)

10.XuLei, PanWenwen,Yang Guijun*, TangXiangming,MartinRobbie M.,LiuGuofeng, ZhongChunni.Impact of light quality on freshwater phytoplankton community in outdoor mesocosms.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021,11DOI://

11.Wu Yunrui,Yang Guijun*, Xu Lei, Yu Ruipeng, Huang Xiaofeng, Qiu Weijian, Guo Yun. Effects of zinc and iron on the abundance of Microcystis in Lake Taihu under green light and turbulence conditions.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022,1, 24. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-18089-8

12.Zhong Chunni,Yang Guijun*,Qin Boqiang,Steven W. Wilhelm,Liu Yu,Han Lihua, Rui Z heng,Yang Hongwei, Zhang Zhou.Effects of mixing intensity on colony size and growth ofMicrocystis aeruginosa.Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim.


1.Enterprise cooperation project, coupling effect of disturbance and light matter on Taihu microcystis inhibition, study period: 2020.07-2021.07.

2. Enterprise cooperation project, phytoplankton testing, research period: 2019.03-2020.03

3.2012-2014 Project Title: Effect and mechanism of variation of underwater light intensity on the transformation of Microcystis phenotypes in shallow lakes---Taking Lake Taihu as an example, Funded by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant # 41101053)- ¥280,000 (Yang Guijun, PI);

4.2009-2012 Project Title: Study on the variation of zooplankton communication structure in restoration areas ofaquaticmacrophytein Lake Taihu, Funded by: Water Pollution Control and Management Project (Grant # 2009ZX07101-013)(Yang Guijun, PI)


1. Yang Guijun, Zhong Chunni, Qin Boqiang. A method for purifying eutrophic water bodies using water hyacinth, grass carp and ring snails [P]. Chinese patent: ZL 2017 1 1038104.1, 2020-10-09.

2. Yang Guijun, Zhong Chunni, Qin Boqiang. A method to improve the transparency of eutrophic water bodies using perch, fleas, and mussels [P]. Chinese patent: ZL 2017 1 1166504.0, 2020-07-07.

3. Yang Guijun, Rui Zheng, Pan Wenwen, Zhong Chunni. A field method to artificially simulate the production of microcystis blooms in Taihu Lake [P]. Chinese patent: ZL 2019 1 0508419. 0, 2021-01-29.

4. Yang Guijun, Wu Yunrui, Xu Lei, Zhong Chunni. A method of treating cyanobacteria blooms combined with green film, disturbance and zinc elements [P]. Chinese patent:ZL 2020 1 0857897.5,2022-03-15.

5. Yang Guijun, Xu Lei, Pan Wenwen, Zhong Chunni.A method for treating cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater bodies [P]. Chinese patent: ZL 201911242446.4,2022-04-13.

6. Yang Guijun, Qin Boqiang, Zhong Chunni. A zooplankton separation device[P].Chinese patent: ZL 2010 2 0524800. 0, 2011-04-20.

Organizer: Jiangnan University
Address: Jiangsu province Wuxi City Lake Road 1800 zip code: 214122

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