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发布时间 : 2023-11-29     来源:  Bet365国内    点击量:




性 别:女

出生日期: 19581006

职 称: 二级教授、博士生导师

联系电话: 025-85898226

传 真: 025-85891377

电子邮件: [email protected]



1978-1982 安徽师范大学化学系学习;

1985-1987 北京大学化学系研究生课程学习;

1991 -1992 北京大学作高级访问学者;

1994- 硕士生导师;

2003- 博士生导师;

2007- 江苏省生物功能材料重点实验室常务副主任;

2007- 江苏省生物功能材料协同创新中心常务副主任。


国家(发改委)稀土专家、中国稀土学会农医专业委员会副主任等;江苏省高级人民法院知识产权审判技术专家及其人民陪审员;世界著名期刊PNAS, Nature Communications, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental ScienceTechnology等三十余中外专业期刊审稿人。












2007年以来,以江南大学研究生(或之后成为江南大学青年教师)作为第一作者(黄晓华教授为通讯作者*)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)Journal of Hazardous Materials等期刊合作发表SCI论文66(包括江南大学为第一作者单位50篇、第二作者单位16篇,其中, SCI-Top期刊论文39);被1SCI-Top高影响力期刊PNASChemical ReviewsChemical Society ReviewsCoordination Chemistry ReviewsTrends in Plant ScienceACS Central ScienceNature CommunicationsBiomaterialsSmallAdvanced Functional MaterialsACS NanoGlobal Change BiologyJournal of Hazardous MaterialsCritical Reviews in Food Science and NutritionPlant PhysiologyPlant Cell and EnvironmentEnvironment InternationalChemical Engineering JournalEnvironmental Science & TechnologyPlant and Soil等他人广泛引用(Web of Science检索显示包括正面评价、推介、应用和借鉴); 部分论文成果收入专著和教科书[“Plant Ecophysiology”(Springer)”“Metalloids in Plants”(Wiley)“Rare Earth Elements and Algae”(Springer)“Chemical Elements in Plant and Soil (Springer)”“New Approaches to Study Metal-Induced Stress in Plants (Springer New York)”“Ecological Informatics (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) ” “The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry (Springer)”]。一项成果在国家自然科学基金委的要闻报道,并写入2014年中国植物重要研究进展中;获得美国及中国授权专利6项,其中,1项成果用于出口美国、丹麦、德国等地区的经济作物并获欧盟生态证书,为国家创汇和经济作物增收做出了贡献。


  1. Changyun Xiao, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Hazards of bisphenol A (BPA) exposure: A systematic review of plant toxicology studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 384: 121488. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  2. Jialing Huang, Xianda Hu, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of exogenous lanthanum(III) exposure on the positive interaction between mutually beneficial populations. Chemosphere, 2020, 241: 125-142. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  3. Jialing Huang, Yihang Li , Yu Shi, Lihong Wang , Qing Zhou*,  Xiaohua Huang.* Effects of nutrient level and planting density on population relationship in soybean and wheat intercropping populations. Plos One. 2020, 14(12):e0225810 (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  4. Changyun Xiao, Lihong Wang, Dandan Hu, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of exogenous bisphenol A on the function of mitochondria in root cells of soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings. Chemosphere, 2019, 222: 619-627. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  5. Ding He, Binxin Xia, Qing Zhou, Lihong Wang*, Xiaohua Huang*. Rare earth elements regulate the endocytosis and DNA methylation in root cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. Chemosphere, 2019, 227: 522-532. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  6. Lihong Wang, Mengzhu Cheng, Qing Yang, Jigang Li, Xiang Wang, Qing Zhou , Shingo Nagawa, Binxin Xia, Tongda Xu, Rongfeng Huang, Jingfang He, Changjiang Li, Ying Fu, Ying Liu, Jianchun Bao, Haiyan Wei, Hui Li, Li Tan, Zhenhong Gu, Ao Xia, Xiaohua Huang*, Zhenbiao Yang, Xing Wang Deng*. Arabinogalactan protein-rare earth element complexes activate plant endocytosis. PNAS, 2019, 116:14349-14357. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  7. Rutao Zhang, Xiya Yin, Hezhou Ding, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Analysis for effects of lanthanum (III) on the aboveground modules and respiration of soybean populations. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,167:169-203. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  8. Qing Yang, Lihong Wang, Jingfang He, Haiyan Wei, Zhenbiao Yang, Xiaohua Huang*. Arabinogalactan proteins are the possible extracellular molecules for binding exogenous cerium (III) in the acidic environment outside plant cells. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10:153. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  9. Rutao Zhang, Guangrong Huang, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of elevated ultraviolet-B radiation on root growth and chemical signaling molecules in plants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,171:683-690. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  10. Qing Yang, Lihong Wang, Li Zhou, Zhenbiao Yang, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. The glucosinolate regulation in plant: A new view on lanthanum stimulating the growth of plant. Journal of Rare Earths, 2019,37:555-564. (SCI)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  11. Fan Zhang, Yihang Li, Yu Shi, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. A novel evaluation of the effect of lanthanum exposure on plant populations. Chemosphere, 2018, 202: 377-386. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  12. Qing Yang, Lihong Wang, Jingfang He, Zhenbiao Yang, Xiaohua Huang*. Direct imaging of how lanthanides break the normal evolution of plants. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2018 ,182 :158–169. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  13. Fei Shen, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of lanthanum on Microcystis aeruginosa: Attention to the changes in composition and content of cellular microcystins. Aquatic Toxicology, 2018, 196: 9-16. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  14. Fan Zhang, Huiqing Hu, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of rare earth and acid rain pollution on plant chloroplast ATP synthase and element contents at different growth stages. Chemosphere, 2018, 194:441-449.( SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  15. Xingyi Li, Lihong Wang, Shengman Wang, Qing Yang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. A preliminary analysis of the effects of bisphenol A on the plant root growth via changes in endogenous plant hormones. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 150: 152–158. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  16. Jiazhi Zhang, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Reactive oxygen species initiate a protective response in plant roots to stress induced by environmental bisphenol A. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 154: 197-205.( SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  17. Yong Si, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of lanthanum and silicon stress on bio-sequestration of lanthanum in phytoliths in rice seedlings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25:10752-10770. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  18. Lihong Wang, Jingfang He, Ao Xia, Mengzhu Cheng, Qing Yang, Chunlei Du, Haiyan Wei, Xiaohua Huang *, Qing Zhou*. Toxic effects of environmental rare earth elements on delayed outward potassium channels and their mechanisms from a microscopic perspective. Chemosphere, 2017, 181:690-698. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  19. Liya Jiao, Hezhou Ding, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Bisphenol A effects on the chlorophyll contents in soybean at different growth stages. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 223:426-434. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  20. Lihong Wang, Jingfang He, Qing Yang, Xiaofen Lv, Jigang Li, David D.Y. Chen, Xiaolan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*, Qing Zhou*. Abnormal pinocytosis and valence-variable behaviors of cerium suggested a cellular mechanism for plant yield reduction induced by environmental cerium. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 230:902-910. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  21. Fan Zhang, Mengzhu Cheng , Zhaoguo Sun , Lihong Wang , Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*.Combined acid rain and lanthanum pollution and its potential ecological risk for nitrogen assimilation in soybean seedling roots. Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231:524-532. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  22. Lihong Wang, Jingfang He, Qing Yang, Xiaodong Li, Haiyan Wei, David D.Y. Chen, Xiaohua Huang*. A preliminary study on the effects of lanthanum (III) on plant vitronectin-like protein and its toxicological basis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 227–234. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  23. Liya Jiao, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*.Stomatal and non-stomatal factors regulated the photosynthesis of soybean seedlings in the present of exogenous bisphenol A. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 150–160. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  24. Binxin Xia , Zhaoguo Sun , Lihong Wang , Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*.Analysis of the combined effects of lanthanum and acid rain, and their mechanisms, on nitrate reductase transcription in plants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 138: 170-178. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  25. Binxin Xia, Lihong Wang, Lijun Nie, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. A pathway of bisphenol A affecting mineral element contents in plant roots at different growth stages. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 135: 115-122. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  26. Fei Shen, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*, Jia-Zhi Zhang, Pei-Yu Zhu, Xiu-Li Dai, Yan-Juan Xu. Simultaneous determination of aniline, benzidine, microcystins, and carbaryl in water using ultra-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2017, 228: 69-79.( SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  27. Lihong Wang, Mengzhu Cheng, Yunxia Chu, Xiaodong Li, David D.Y. Chen, Xiaohua Huang*, Qing Zhou*. Responses of plant calmodulin to endocytosis induced by rare earth. Chemosphere, 2016, 154:408-415. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  28. Jiazhi Zhang, Xingyi Li, Li Zhou, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Analysis of effects of a new environmental pollutant, bisphenol A, on antioxidant systems in soybean roots at different growth stages. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:23782. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  29. Qing Yang, Lihong Wang, Jingfang He, Xiaodong Li, Wenjun Tong, Zhenbiao Yang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Vitronectin-like protein is a first line of defense against lanthanum (III) stress in Arabidopsis leaf cells. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2016, 130:86-94. (SCI)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  30. Huiqing Hu, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Combined effects of simulated acid rain and lanthanum chloride on chloroplast structure and functional elements in rice. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(9):8902-8917. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  31. Huiqing Hu, Lihong Wang, Yueli Li, Jingwen Sun, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Insight into mechanism of lanthanum (III) induced damage to plant photosynthesis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016, 127: 43-50. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  32. Xuanbo Zhang, Yuping Du, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*, Zhaoguo Sun. Combined Effects of Lanthanum (III) and Acid Rain on Antioxidant Enzyme System in Soybean Roots. Plos One, 2015, 10 (7) :e0134546. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  33. Jiazhi Zhang, Lihong Wang, Man Li, Liya Jiao, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of bisphenol A on chlorophyll fluorescence in five plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:17724–17732. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  34. Shengman Wang, Lihong Wang, Weiqi Hua, Min Zhou, Qingqing Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of bisphenol A, an environmental endocrine disruptor, on the endogenous hormones of plants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:17653–17662. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  35. Guangrong Huang, Lihong Wang, Zhaoguo Sun, Xiaodong Li, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Combined Effects of Lanthanum(III) and Elevated Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Root Nitrogen Nutrient in Soybean Seedlings. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015, 163:224–234. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  36. Liya Jiao, Lihong Wang, Zhiyong Qiu, Qingqing Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of bisphenol A on chlorophyll synthesis in soybean seedlings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22:5877-5886. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  37. Lihong Wang, Xuanbo Zhang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effects of Terbium (III) on Signaling Molecules in Horseradish. Biological Trace Element Research, 2015, 164:122-129. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  38. Lihong Wang, Qingqing Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Combined effect of soil acidification and lead ion on antioxidant system in soybean roots. Chemistry and Ecology, 2015, 31(2):123-133. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位) (Journal of Cataract and Refractive SurgeryRussian Journal of Plant PhysiologyChemistry and Ecology等多学科他人引用).

  39. Lihong Wang, Jigang Li, Qing Zhou, Guangmei Yang, Xiao Lan Ding, Xiaodong Li, Chen Xin Cai, Zhao Zhang, Hai Yan Wei, Tian Hong Lu, Xing Wang Deng*, Xiaohua Huang*. Rare earth elements activate endocytosis in plant cells. PNAS, 2014, 111(35): 12936-12941. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  40. Huiqing Hu, Lihong Wang, Chenyu Liao, Caixia Fan, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Combined effects of lead and acid rain on photosynthesis in soybean seedlings. Biological Trace Element Research, 2014, 161: 136-142. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  41. Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Direct interaction between terbium ion and peroxidase in horseradish at different pH values. Biological Trace Element Research, 2014, 157:183-188. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  42. Qing Yang, Yueli Li, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Effect of lanthanum(III) on the production of ethylene and reactive oxygen species in soybean seedlings exposed to the enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014, 104: 152-159. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  43. Caixia Fan, Huiqing Hu, Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Enzymological mechanism for the regulation of lanthanum chloride on flavonoid synthesis of soybean seedlings under enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21: 8792-8800. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  44. Lihong Wang, Wen Wang, Qing Zhou, Xiaohua Huang*. Combined effects of lanthanum (III) chloride and acid rain on photosynthetic parameters in rice. Chemosphere, 2014, 112: 355-361. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  45. Sun Zhaoguo, Wang, Lihong, Zhou, Qing*, Huang, Xiaohua*. Effects and mechanisms of the combined pollution of lanthanum and acid rain on the root phenotype of soybean seedlings. Chemosphere, 2013, 93 (2): 344-352. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  46. Sun Hai, Wang Lihong, Zhou Qing, Huang Xiaohua*. Effects of bisphenol A on ammonium assimilation in soybean roots. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20 (12): 8484-8490. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  47. Guangmei Yang,Yunxia Chu, Xiaofen Lv, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Interaction between La(III) and proteins on the plasma membrane of horseradish. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2012, 92: 42-45. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  48. Yang Guangmei, Sun Zhaoguo, Lv Xiaofen, Deng Yunyun, Zhou Qing*, Huang Xiaohua*. Living target of Ce(III) action on horseradish cells: Proteins on/in cell membrane. Biological Trace Element Research, 2012, 150: 396-402. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  49. Wang Lihong, Jiang Na, Zhao Bo, Li Xiaodong, Lu Tianhong, Ding Xiaolan, Huang Xiaohua*. Structural basis for the decrease in the outward potassium channel current induced by lanthanum. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2010,15:989-993. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  50. Wang Lihong, Zhou Qing, Lu Tianhong, Ding Xiaolan, Huang Xiaohua*. Molecular and cellular mechanism of the effect of La(III) on horseradish peroxidase. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2010,15(7):1063-1069. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  51. Lihong Wang, Aihua Lu, Tianhong Lu, Xianlan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*.Interaction between lanthanum ion and horseradish peroxidase in vitro. Biochimie, 2010,92(1): 41-50. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  52. Wang Lihong, Zhou Qing*, Zhao Bo, Huang Xiaohua*. Toxic effect of heavy metal terbium ion on cell membrane in horseradish. Chemosphere, 2010,80:28-34. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  53. Wang Lihong, Zhou Qing*, Huang Xiaohua*. Effects of heavy metal terbium on contents of cytosolic nutrient elements in horseradish cell. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2010,73:1012-1017. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  54. Guo Shaofen, Wang Lihong, Lu Tiaohong, Ding Xiaolan, Huang Xiaohua*. Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of complex of horseradish peroxidase and La (III) nano-gold colloid/cysteine/gold electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2010, 644(1):80-84. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  55. Guo Shaofen, Wang Lihong, Lu Aihua, Lu Tianhong, Ding Xiaolan, Huang Xiaohua*. Inhibition mechanism of lanthanum ion on the activity of horseradish peroxidase in vitro. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2010, 75(2): 936-941. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  56. Lihong Wang, Qing Zhou*, Xiaohua Huang*. Photosynthetic responses to heavy metal terbium stress in horseradish leaves. Chemosphere, 2009, 77: 1019-1025(SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  57. Lihong Wang, Xiaohua Huang*, Qing Zhou. Protective effect of rare earth against oxidative stress under ultraviolet-B radiation. Biological Trace Element Research, 2009,128, 82-93. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  58. Shaofen Guo, Rui Cao, Aihua Lu, Qing Zhou, Tianhong Lu, Xiaolan Ding, Chaojun Li, Xiaohua Huang*. One of the possible mechanisms for the inhibition effect of Tb (III) on peroxidase activity in horseradish treated with Tb (III). Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2008,13(4): 587-597. (SCI)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  59. Shaofen Guo, Qing Zhou, Tianhong Lu, Xiaolan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*. Inhibition mechanism of Tb(III) on horseradish peroxidase activity. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2008, 5(10): 2050-2059. (SCI)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  60. Ye Yaxin,  Wang Lihong,  Huang Xiaohua*, Lu Tianhong,  Ding Xiaolan,  Zhou Qing*, Guo Shaofen. Subcellular location of horseradish peroxidase in horseradish leaves treated with La(III), Ce(III) and Tb(III). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2008,71(3): 677-684. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  61. Wang Lihong, Huang Xiaohua*, Zhou Qing*. Effects of rare earth elements on the distribution of mineral elements and heavy metals in horseradish. Chemosphere. 2008,73(3): 314-319. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  62. Shaofen Guo, Xiaohua Huang*, Tianhong Lu, Xiaolan Ding, Qing Zhou. Spectroscopic studies of interactions involving horseradish peroxidase and Tb3+. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008, 70: 818-823. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  63. Xiaoshan Guo, Qing Zhou, Tianhong Lu, Min Fang, and Xiaohua Huang*. Distribution and translocation of 141Ce(III) in horseradish. Annals of Botany, 2007, 100:1459-1465. (SCI)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  64. Shaofen Guo, Qing Zhou, Tianhong Lu, Xiaolan Ding, Xiaohua Huang*. Interaction between La3+ and MP-11 in the physiological solution. Electrochimica Acta, 2007,52: 2032-2038. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第二作者单位).

  65. Weiqing Yin, Mingqing Chen, Tianhong Lu, Mitsuru Akashi, Xiaohua Huang*. Properties of complex of Tb(III) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-g-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-styrene) core-shell nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2007, 432: L18-L21. (SCI-Top)(江南大学第一作者单位).

  66. Weiqing Yin, Mingqing Chen, Tianhong Lu, Mitsuru Akashi, Xiaohua Huang*. Study on interaction between Tb(III) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide). European Polymer Journal, 2006, 42(6):1305-1312. (SCI)(江南大学第一作者单位).


Huang Xiaohua, Zhou Qing, Lu Tianhong, Guo Shaofen (2009). Design and preparation of plant growth regulator of rare earth element-amino acid-vitamine, United States Patent(EFSID;4978659PCT/CN07/01912).



陈洪渊主编; 郭子健、黄晓华副主编。《21世纪化学系列丛书》(包括:生物无机化学、配位化学、环境化学、生物化学、计算化学、材料化学、界面化学、食品化学、能源化学、纳米化学、组合化学、电化学、胶体化学、光化学、药物化学、凝胶化学供18册);化学工业出版社(化学、化工、材料、环境、生命、医药卫生等大专院校师生,科研院所技术人员、政府和企业部门管理人员等综合参考书)(被评为2008年畅销书)。2010第二版(2004-2008第一版)





















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